Laura Iris Corrales Ricaldez

Dentist specializing in Oral Prosthodontics and Implantology



Customized impression for implant restoration emergence profile Analogic Workflow vs Digital Workflow

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An implant-supported restoration in the anterior area is one of the most challenging treatments for the clinician due to patient expectations and the complexity of the pre-existing anatomy. Developing adequate soft tissue contours has been reported as a challenge and a key factor in achieving adequate esthetics. Different analogic methods have been described for transferring the contour of the provisional restoration. The use of digital scanners has increased in implantology, offering various documented workflows to replicate the peri-implant soft tissue contour, and its smaller margin of error implies a significant advantage. This report will describe the analogic vs. digital impression workflow step sequence of an osseointegrated implant in the esthetic area, comparing their respective advantages and disadvantages. A 53-year-old male patient presented as an emergency at the Prosthodontics and Implantology clinic of the Division of Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Dentistry, UNAM. The patient had mobility in the restoration on the upper left central tooth. A provisional restoration was made using a provisional abutment for Straumann Bone Level Narrow Crossfit and self-curing acrylic resin. After one week, the provisional was unscrewed, and emphasis was placed on the subgingival area for the correct conformation of the soft tissue around the implant. Impressions were taken using both the conventional analog workflow and digital workflow. The accuracy of the impressions from both workflows was evaluated. After one year, a follow-up of the clinical case was carried out, and “PES” (Pink Esthetic Score) was used to analyze and evaluate long-term esthetics, obtaining a positive score. Both conventional and digital workflows are viable options for transferring information from the clinician to the dental laboratory. Following established protocols for the impression of the emergence profile contour will ensure desired clinical accuracy with either method.
Laura Iris Corrales Ricaldez, born on March 13, 1993, in Bolivia, is a passionate dentist with a blend of Bolivian and Mexican influences. She completed her studies at the Faculty of Dentistry of Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS), where she excelled and graduated as a top student in 2016, obtaining the title of Odontologist. The same year, she ventured into academia as an Assistant Lecturer at her alma mater. Additionally, she pursued a Diploma in Higher Education, further enhancing her teaching skills and passion for imparting knowledge to future dental professionals. In 2018, Laura embarked on a new chapter in her career by enrolling in the prestigious Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) to specialize in Oral Prosthodontics and Implantology. This experience not only enriched her expertise but also led her to discover the International Team for Implantology (ITI), which she joined as a member in 2020 and was also selected as one of the first Young ITI Speakers for the Mexico section. In 2022, she proudly completed her specialization in Oral Prosthodontics and Implantology. Now, she runs her private practice in her hometown. As a dental professional with a multicultural perspective, Laura continues to thrive in her career, consistently delivering high-quality care to her patients and contributing to the advancement of dentistry.

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