In a first stage, each of the 36 ITI sections around the world had the opportunity to organize their own local competition. These contests would have different shapes and forms but in the end must produce 4 winners that enter the global online divisional contest.
The second stage is an online contest. All the winning candidates of the first stage are competing in 8 different divisions with their video presentations. To win the candidates need to convince a jury and the community as the final scores will be a mix of public ratings, likes and shares as well as the jurors verdict. Learn more about the rules.
The 4 winners of each division are invited to join the Grand Finale event at the Young ITI Day in Singapore on May 8, 2024. They will present at the Grand Finale as a team. A panel of jurors will decide on the winning team – the team winning the YITI World Series.
Young ITI is a global movement of young dentists active within the ITI. YITI shares the ITI’s purpose and vision but aims to provide a networking and growth platform for young members and students.
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