Berge Wazirian




Trauma Corrected

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Through a case review, this presentation will demonstrate the importance of appropriate evaluation and planning of trauma cases requiring implant supported restoration. The esthetic zone will be specifically addressed in order to better understand the required criteria that safeguards a predictable outcome. A complete discussion on the treatment process and the interdisciplinary approach will be presented. Prosthetic design ensuring an aesthetic result without compromising on function and access for oral hygiene will be displayed.
Dr. Berge Wazirian earned a degree in dentistry from Université de Montréal, after which he completed advanced education in general dentistry at the University of Rochester Eastman Institute for Oral Health in New York. After practising for a year as a general dentist, Dr. Wazirian returned to the University of Rochester to specialize in prosthodontics. He currently shares his time between private practice and education. He teaches at McGill University as part of the residency programs at the Montreal General Hospital and the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Furthermore, Dr. Wazirian shares his knowledge and love of prosthodontics with his dental colleagues by offering continuing education courses. Dr. Wazirian is a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada and a member of the American College of Prosthodontists and the International Team for Implantology.

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