Ignacio Polizzi Gonzalez


Argentina & Uruguay


Is GBR always necessary?

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The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate that guided bone regeneration is not always necessary in horizontal defects. In this particular case, based on a clinical and tomographic evaluation, it is concluded that autologous connective tissue grafts obtained from the palatal area are sufficient to resolve the horizontal volume loss. The surgery is planned after assessing the risk factors inherent to a surgical act and using the SAC classification to evaluate the potential level of difficulty as well as the surgical and aesthetic risks of the case, which resulted in an advanced level. One of the objectives of the procedure is to achieve adequate esthetics. In order to do this, two indexes are applied, the Pink Esthetic Score (PES) and the White Esthetic Score (WES), which allows evaluating the relevant and specific parameters of pink and white esthetics around implants from a score ranging from 0 to 10. The selection of the type of implant, its connection, its platform and its 3D position are essential in the evolution of hard and soft tissues around the implant. The design of the final zirconia restorations is also essential with their emergence profile divided into 3 zones – the crestal zone, the bounded zone and the esthetic zone to allow naturalness and a long-term healthy condition of the tissues.
My name is Ignacio Polizzi González. I graduated at the College of Dentistry, University of Rosario, in 2016. After that and I did a four-year specialization course in dentobucomaxillary prosthesis at the University of Buenos Aires, which I finished last year. Currently where I am an assistant teacher in that training course.
 I develop my practice in my own clinic in Rosario. This is my second year as an ITI member and I am also part of the Young ITI.

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