Jan Stibal

General dentist at the STOMMA dental clinic

Region Europe


Interdisciplinary therapy in adolescents and young adults with developmental dental disorders and multiple agenesis

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Multiple agenesis (oligodontia) and other developmental dental disorders are very rare dental anomalies with a prevalence of less than 1%. However, their presence represents a serious problem for the patient, as the absence of a significant number of teeth in the dentition is not only an aesthetic problem but also a significant functional problem. The most complex phase of treatment for these cases is determining the optimal treatment plan, which for most of these patients requires interdisciplinary cooperation, where the orthodontic phase of treatment precedes prosthetic reconstruction, possibly supplemented by a surgical phase such as autotransplantation or later implant-prosthetic treatment. A very important factor in therapy is also the proper timing of treatment, in terms of the patient’s age and growth cessation prior to implantation on the one hand and the social handicap for the patient on the other. The author demonstrates the diagnosis, treatment planning, and therapeutic procedure for reconstructing the dentition in patients with multiple agenesis, carried out in collaboration between an orthodontist, implantologist, and prosthodontist.
Dr. Stibal comes from the Czech Republic. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Palacky University in Olomouc in 2014. During the final year of his studies, he completed a study stay at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA). He then joined the STOMMA clinic in Mikulov, where he still works. His main focus is on endodontics and the prosthetic phase of treatment for complex cases, which he handles in collaboration with an orthodontist and implantologist. He is a certified member of the Czech Academy of Dental Esthetics. He is also a member of the ITI (International Team for Implantology). Dr. Stibal is the author and co-author of numerous lectures, courses, and professional articles on the topic of non-carious dental defects and interdisciplinary collaboration.

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