Nguyen Phuong Hang




Digital Workflow for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Prosthesis: where are we now?

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Implant-supported fixed complete dental prostheses offer a highly effective solution for edentulous patients, boasting a remarkable survival rate and patient satisfaction. The advent of digital technology in dentistry has brought transformative changes to both clinical and laboratory procedures. In this clinical case, we present a digital workflow for fabricating double full-arch implant-supported prostheses, yielding predictable and superior results. Photogrammetry and intraoral scanning were utilized for accurate data acquisition, providing a comprehensive foundation for the subsequent stages. Leveraging CAD/CAM technology, the final restorations were meticulously designed and milled. The clinical case outcomes further solidify the benefits of this approach, holding great promise for improved patient care.
Hang Nguyen Phuong obtained her DDS Degree in 2015 and recently completed a post-graduate program specializing in digital implant prosthetics at Ho Chi Minh University of Medicine and Pharmacy in 2022. As a member of the ITI since 2022, she currently practices at a prestigious private clinic in Ho Chi Minh City. With over five years of experience as a general dentist, Hang now focuses her expertise on prosthodontics, particularly implant prosthetics. She exhibits a profound interest in leveraging digital technology to optimize treatment quality and elevate the overall patient experience. Over the next five years, she aspires to conduct research on novel digital impression techniques and master in full digital workflow for fabricating full arch implant-supported prostheses.

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