Tracy Wenjie Zhou

D.D.S, Ph.D.



Implant Placement and Loading Protocol for Single Implant in Different Location

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Implant treatment in different locations pose different demands for function and esthetics. This presentation summarized the clinical and scientific evidence of single implants with different types of implant placement and loading protocol in different locations, providing an evidence basis for clinical selection. Learning Objectives: 1. To understand the importance that both the implant placement and loading protocol should be included in the treatment planning prior to tooth extraction. 2. To understand that implant placement and loading protocol was influenced by the recipient site location, which presents different functional requirements, different local anatomy, different treatment complexity and different level of scientific evidence. 3. To understand which placement and loading protocol may be at risk to restore a missing single tooth and should be performed with caution due to the limited evidence support.
Wenjie Zhou graduated from Tongji University with a Bachelor of Clinical Dentistry, and has Master and PhD Degree in the specialty of Implant Dentistry from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In 2017, Dr. Zhou furthered her knowledge in the restorative and surgical aspects of Implantology through the ITI scholarship program in the Department of Regenerative and Implant Sciences at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She is currently a general practicer and implant specialist in Second Dental Center, Ninth People’s Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine. Dr. Zhou’s clinical interests and expertise is in the comprehensive oral rehabilitation with implant treatment. She is involved in research related to tissue engineering of bone substitute materials. She has authored scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals. She is ITI Fellow and ITI Study Club Director. She is also youth committee member of Oral Implantology Academy of Chinese Stomatological Association.

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