Pablo Cavalerie Avello




Comprehensive rehabilitation of atrophic ridges with full digital workflow

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Upon extraoral examination, a decrease in the lower third of the face and a marked class III was immediately observed. At the intraoral level, partial edentulism was observed, with diminished periodontium and occlusal instability. In the cone beam examination, atrophic maxillae were observed, with pneumatized paranasal sinuses, a knife-edge alveolar ridge in several areas of its extension, and residual teeth with advanced bone resorption. A treatment plan is established in several surgical stages. In the first stage, multiple extractions and occlusal stabilization were performed using removable prostheses. After 8 weeks, the mandibular arch was planned by guided surgery (use of Exocad software), which allowed us to install 5 Straumann BLT SLA implants to perform immediate full-arch loading on SRA abutments. As a third surgical stage at the maxillary level, a bimaxillary maxillary sinus elevation technique was performed with maxgraft bone and a Sausage-type regenerative technique with Jason pericardial membranes, a mixture of 70/30 cerabone/autologous bone, fixed with BOTIS thumbtacks. After 6 months with the control CBCT, maxillary re-entry was performed for the installation of 6 Straumann BLT SLA implants, in addition to connective tissue grafts taken sub-epithelially from the palate sutured with a loop technique to the vestibular flap of the anterior sector. , and carry out an immediate load again, making a Hurzeler-type suture to generate a prosthetically guided healing of the tissues. Currently, the patient has fixed provisionals in both arches, waiting for the healing and osseointegration time to begin with the last stage of the treatment plan, which consists of rehabilitation with Zirconium structures, for which digital impression with Scanbody for variobase on Straumann SRA Abutments.
Graduated from the Universidad del Desarrollo de Concepcion in 2015.Specialist in Bucomaxillofacial Implantology from the Autonomous University of Chile, Temuco, graduated in 2018.Diploma in Bone Regeneration.Diploma in Periodontal and Implantology plastic both from the Perioplastic institution Dedicated 100% to private practice at Signature, a dental space in Temuco.

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